Planning FAQs
Q: What does the pre-application currently offer and what can businesses expect at the end of it?
A: Early engagement has significant potential to improve the efficiency and effectiveness of the planning application system for all parties. Good quality pre-application discussion enables better coordination between public and private resources and improved outcomes for the community. The more issues that can be resolved at pre-application stage, the greater the benefits.
West Berkshire Council offers a pre-application advice service with a range of options from advice in principle (identifying any fundamental policy showstoppers) to detailed feedback on emerging proposals. Advice is given in writing, and there are options for planning officer site visits and follow-up meetings.
You can find out more on our website:
Pre-planning Guidance
Pre-planning fees
Q: Is there a way to speak to the planner for them to understand the business better before an application?
A: Yes, you can arrange a meeting with a planner through the pre-application process. There are various options that could help with understanding your business case better.
Q: What are the steps to ensure a planning application is considered in all service areas?
A: We have a consultation period of at least 21 days where we identify groups that would have relevant stake in the planning application, for example: neighbouring residents, environmental agency, local town and parishes and economic development. All parties comments are then passed to the case office to consider. All comments are made visible in our public website. At the end of the consultation, the case officer will assess the application taken into account planning policies, any comments received and any other relevant planning considerations. In some cases, minor amendments or additional information will be accepted for consideration in line with our published negotiation strategy.
Planning Application Process
Q: How can businesses make sure they articulate their business plans better for planning consideration
A: You can prepare a business plan or economic statement to accompany your application. You can use this to fully articulate what the expected benefits of the development will be to your business so that interested parties and the decision maker have a full understanding and give the right amount of weight to the benefits. For example we would be interested in anticipated employment generation, how would the development support the existing business, and any information or data on economic, social or environmental benefits you envision from the development.
*Please note, all application documents will be made available for public inspection
Planning Advice
Further Information
Nutrient Neutrality
Community Infrastructure Levy