
A man and woman in blue overalls studying wiring

Skills and Employment

Skills and Employment

See the local skills and employment data

West Berkshire has an above average population who are educated to a degree level or above. We have nearly 80,000 people who are in Employment with professional occupations, managers and directors and tech occupations being the top 3 fields people are working in.

Having large companies in the district attracts employment and skills to the district. The various education and training providers are also focusing on young talent that leave education with the right skills for the future workforce. 

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West Berkshire Qualification Levels (NOMIS)

Nomis is a service provided by the Office for National Statistics, ONS. The data is the most detailed and up-to-date UK labour market statistics from official sources. West Berkshire currently outperforms the South East and the rest of UK in terms of qualification levels. With 49.3% of the residents having NVQ4 or above.

West Berkshire Employment Rate (ONS)

The data is from Berkshire Observatory, which takes Office for National Statistics data to produce local reports. The report shows that West Berkshire has noticeably higher employment rates compared to the rest of England. This is across both male and female workers. 

West Berkshire Occupational Type (ONS)

Also taken from Berkshire Observatory is the below data on residents occupational types. This directly links with the skillset of the district and what sort of employment is on offer in the area too. West Berkshire has a higher percentage of managers, professional occupations and tech occupations than the rest of the country but shows less process plant and machine operatives.