Proposals which would see Newbury town centre pedestrianised for longer each day have been deferred.
Our intention was to run a trial scheme with pedestrianisation in place from 10am until midnight each day. The trial was planned to begin on Monday 14 August, to boost the Festival of the Moon events and the night-time economy over the summer months.
Research carried out for the Newbury Town Centre Masterplan and further research by the Business Improvement District (BID) and Newbury Town Council both showed significant support for extended pedestrianisation of the town centre.
However, we have reluctantly had to defer the trial pedestrianisation for now. Essential road works which will be taking place elsewhere in Newbury over the coming months will put extra pressure on the road system meaning the trial would not be representative of the normal traffic situation when the impact of the trial is assessed.
At the same time the Department for Transport (DfT) has finally provided a response to our request for an Experimental Traffic Regulation Order (ETRO).
Disappointingly, the DfT took weeks to respond, despite regular chasing from officers. It requires further dialogue with DfT to clarify a number of points and until this is received we are not able to proceed with our preferred approach.